July 2018
Sharp price increases are currently evident on the raw material and procurement market, while the forecast for the coming months expects no change in trend as regards alloy surcharges. Volz provides full transparency for customers with regard to changes in this area, particularly as these also affect our prices.
Maintaining the balance between quality and cost is an important aspect of daily work. Unfortunately, the rise in the price of nickel and the poor US dollar exchange rate is currently resulting in considerably higher manufacturing costs that Volz constantly strives to avoid passing on to customers. Despite all the efforts, these sometimes have to be passed on to some degree. At Volz we only make adjustments to offers where we are no longer able to absorb the change in conditions to protect our customers.
For decades we been carrying out calculations and analyses and, on the basis of the experience gained, have developed a mechanism for adjusting the alloy surcharges. This mechanism ensures that our customers pay the best price available to them for as long as possible and that we are not forced to directly pass on the ongoing market fluctuations. Questions? Then simply get in touch with us.